Private Sub Command1_Click() textch = "测试VB真人发音" readch (textch) End Sub Function readch(ByVal strText As String) Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") Set colVoice = objVoice.GetVoices() '获得语音引擎集合 objVoice.Volume = 100 '设置音量,0到100,数字越大音量越大 '得到所需语音引擎的编号 langCN = "MSSimplifiedChineseVoice" '简体中文 langEN = "MSSam" '如果安装了TTS Engines 5.1,还可以选择MSMike,MSMary For i = 0 To colVoice.Count - 1 '选择语音引擎 If Right(colVoice(i).Id, Len(langCN)) = langCN Then cnVoice = i If Right(colVoice(i).Id, Len(langEN)) = langEN Then enVoice = i Next Dim strSourse, strCurrent, strTemp, strSplitter As String Dim strArray() As String strSource = strText & " " strTemp = "" strSplitter = "@@" '把strSource中的中英文分开 For i = 1 To Len(strSource) - 1 strCurrent = Mid(strSource, i, 1) If is_hanzi(strCurrent) = is_hanzi(Mid(strSource, i + 1, 1)) Then '如果是中文 strTemp = strTemp & strCurrent Else strTemp = strTemp & strCurrent & strSplitter End If Next strTemp = Replace(strTemp, "@@ @@", " ") '空字符会被识别为英文,予以纠正 MsgBox strTemp strArray = Split(strTemp, strSplitter) For Each strSlice In strArray If Trim(strSlice) = "" Then GoTo endfor End If If is_hanzi(Mid(strSlice, 1, 1)) Then Set objVoice.Voice = colVoice.Item(cnVoice) '设置语音引擎为简体中文 objVoice.Speak (strSlice) Else Set objVoice.Voice = colVoice.Item(enVoice) objVoice.Speak (strSlice) End If endfor: Next End Function Private Function is_hanzi(ByVal str_char As String) If AscW(str_char) > &H0 And AscW(str_char) < &H800 Then is_hanzi = False Else is_hanzi = True End If End Function